What Is Spirituality?

“The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery.” ― Anais Nin

Spirituality has a multitude of faces and interpretations. Depending on who you ask and what their background is, you will find a wide range of description, value, and validity. Spirituality can be a person’s source of meaning. Spirituality might be superstitious or misleading to others. Hearing the word “spirituality” spoken can evoke a sense of serenity in some and utter disdain in others.

Our relationship to spirituality, our understanding of spirituality, remains in a constant state of evolution.   Whether we embrace it and seek it out, or if we choose to ignore and despise it all together does not matter. Spirituality is simply what is, the grand show, life. Every aspect of reality is spiritual.

There is no escaping our relationship to reality, the journey of self-discovery, to “Know Thyself.”  Whether a person identifies as spiritual or strict atheist does not matter; the experience of life, the existence of life, is what the word spirituality seeks to point to. Each one of us is wrapped into this process of existence, thus we are all processing it as well. How we wish to identify or label our relationship to it matters not. 

Spirituality is any and everything that is and is not. It is impossible for something to not be spiritual. Spirituality isn’t limited to particulars.  Spirituality isn’t defined by value judgment.  The actions we take, the lives we live, are not more or less spiritual than another. Spirituality is existence. Existence is spiritual. There is nothing to exclude, there is nothing missing; there is only the unfolding and enfolding that must occur.

Movies With A Spiritual Connection

Monty Pythons Meaning Of Life

Monty Pythons Meaning Of Life

Clash Of The Titans

Clash Of The Titans

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games

O Brother, Where Art Thou

O Brother, Where Art Thou



Waking Life

Waking Life

V For Vendetta

V For Vendetta

Under The Skin

Under The Skin

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

The Tree Of Life

The Tree Of Life

Spring Summer Fall Winter

Spring Summer Fall Winter

The Fountain

The Fountain

Spirited Away

Spirited Away

Scanner Darkly

Scanner Darkly

Requiem For A Dream

Requiem For A Dream

Peaceful Warrior

Peaceful Warrior



Life Is Beautiful

Life Is Beautiful

Mr. Nobody

Mr. Nobody

What Dreams May Come

What Dreams May Come

Into The Wild

Into The Wild



I Origins

I Origins





Enter The Void

Enter The Void



Cloud Atlas

Cloud Atlas



Andrei Tarkovsky

Andrei Tarkovsky





The Gods Must Be Crazy

The Gods Must Be Crazy

Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer

seven years in tibet

seven years in tibet

Life of Brian

Life of Brian





Davinci Code

Davinci Code



Being John Malkovich

Being John Malkovich

Altered States

Altered States

The Seventh Seal

The Seventh Seal

The Matrix

The Matrix

The Addiction

The Addiction

My Dinner With Andre

My Dinner With Andre

Love and Death

Love and Death

Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

Barton Fink

Barton Fink

Black Swan

Black Swan

Fight Club

Fight Club

Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin

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