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Consciousness Websites
“Know thyself,” the Ancient Greek aphorism inscribed at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi says it all. We are the totality of existence, it resides within us; we are a reflection of creation itself. A truth seeker’s job, awaken consciously, “know thyself.”
Enlightenment is a verb, a continual process, a lifelong action that happens regardless of our desire to participate or conscious knowledge of the process. We are all enlightened beings, enlightened to the degree we are enlightened. Enlightenment is a spectrum, a continuum.
Hindu tradition speaks of Brahma or God getting lost in order to find Itself again. We are sparks of that divinity, through our existence we participate in the rediscover of capital “S” Self. We can think of small “s” self as our unique ego identity and capital “S” self as our eternal nature, unified consciousness, that which has been and will always be.
Through our actions we travel the path of self-discovery. Organized Consciousness supports the process of self-discovery, it is the key to contentment and the harmonious relations we deeply desire for our self, those we engage with, and the global family. Contentment is tightly correlated with perspective. Contentment is made possible through perspective, and perspective has to be earned, it can not be chosen. We don’t choose to be content, we attain it through dedication to the practice of awakening consciousness. We discover what contentment is, how it functions, what the components of the formula are.
Awakening consciously, becoming content, and existing as both an individual and the collective requires honing various components of our nature. Quality information is a crucial ingredient to a dedicated awakening practice. Quality information serves as fuel for contemplation, observation, motivation, dedication, and more. Consuming insights from skilled practitioners, people who spent there lives dedicated to awakening, can greatly increase your own awakening process. The evolution of humanity, the awakening of collective conscious is based on the idea of generation to generation we put in the work, we build on what we were given.
“I am large, I contain multitudes”
― Leaves of Grass

Who is Alan Watts?
A prolific author and speaker, Alan Watts was one of the first to interpret Eastern wisdom for a Western audience. Born outside London in 1915, he discovered the nearby Buddhist Lodge at a young age. After moving to the United States in 1938, Alan became an Episcopal priest for a time, and then relocated to Millbrook, New York, where he wrote his pivotal book The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety.
In 1951 he moved to San Francisco where he began teaching Buddhist studies, and in 1956 began his popular radio show, “Way Beyond the West.” By the early sixties, Alan’s radio talks aired nationally and the counterculture movement adopted him as a spiritual spokesperson. He wrote and traveled regularly until his passing in 1973.
The Theosophical Society in America
- Has a Vision of wholeness that inspires a fellowship united in study, meditation, and service.
- Has a Mission of encouraging open-minded inquiry into world religions, philosophy, science, and the arts in order to understand the wisdom of the ages, respect the unity of all life, and help people explore spiritual self-transformation.
- Has an Ethic holding that our every action, feeling, and thought affect all other beings and that each of us is capable of and responsible for contributing to the benefit of the whole.
Isha Foundation is dedicated to raising human consciousness, and fosters global harmony through individual transformation.
Guided by Sadhguru, it is an essential resource for exploring the ancient science of yoga in all its depth and dimensions.
The foundation offers a variety of programs that provide methods for anyone to attain physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
Its offerings allow participants to deepen their experience of life, and reach their ultimate potential. is about:
- REAL, results-driven personal development without fluff, bullshit, or hype
- Hard work: recognizing that it takes massive effort to become successful
- Long-term thinking: investing in yourself
- Cultivating a love for the life-long pursuit of personal development
- Advanced concepts, strategies, techniques, and tools for making lasting improvements
- Unleashing your full potential
- Finding your true life purpose
- Staying on track with your purpose after you’ve found it
- Becoming world-class at what you do
- Creating financial success, creative autonomy, freedom, and lasting fulfillment
- Building emotional awareness
- Building self-awareness
Strange as it may sound, the universe is aware of itself—through each and every one of us. Consciousness has been a core mystery of the human experience ever since our rise into sapience, and The Library’s virtual aisles are filling up (admittedly at a glacial pace) with various perspectives on this wondrous phenomenon.
However! Remember to remain grounded and humble. The moment you get too serious about all this, you’ll miss the point. Consume the information as you would music, not gospel; as a neo-Buddhist sci-fi romp through the embryonic Gaian hive mind as it awakens and comes to terms with its own existence. Play with it! Have fun! Tease it a little! But don’t for a moment delude yourself into believing that it’s anything other than entertainment. Just rummage around, sync up your neural net with some far-out intellectual artistry, and admire mental sculptures of cosmic proportions!
Welcome to the collective! We’re so thrilled you’re here 🙂
My name is Maria Popova — a reader, a wonderer, and a lover of reality who makes sense of the world and herself through the essential inner dialogue that is the act of writing. The Marginalian (which bore the unbearable name Brain Pickings for its first 15 years) is my one-woman labor of love, exploring what it means to live a decent, inspired, substantive life of purpose and gladness. Founded in 2006 as a weekly email to seven friends, eventually brought online and now included in the Library of Congress permanent web archive, it is a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually, poetically — drawn from my extended marginalia on the search for meaning across literature, science, art, philosophy, and the various other tendrils of human thought and feeling. A private inquiry irradiated by the ultimate question, the great quickening of wonderment that binds us all:
What is all this?
Consciousness Movies
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