Consciousness Websites
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“Consciousness cannot be accounted for in physical terms. For consciousness is absolutely fundamental. It cannot be accounted for in terms of anything else.”
― Erwin Schrödinger
Consciousness Websites
The Alan Watts Organization is dedicated to preserving Alan’s legacy through archival efforts and creative partnerships. Our goal is to make his work accessible digitally as well as through traditional media, and to help spread his message to future generations.
The Theosophical Society, International Headquarters, Pasadena, California. The Society was founded in 1875 in an effort to promote the expressed awareness of the Oneness of Life.
THEOSOPHY: The word is derived from the Greek theos (god, divinity) and sophia (wisdom). Its philosophy is a contemporary presentation of the perennial wisdom underlying the world’s religions, sciences, and philosophies.
We are not brought into existence by chance nor thrown up into earth-life like wreckage cast along the shore, but are here for infinitely noble purposes.— Katherine Tingley
He is the author of four books: Nomad Codes: Adventures in Modern Esoterica (Yeti, 2010), The Visionary State: A Journey through California’s Spiritual Landscape (Chronicle, 2006), with photographs by Michael Rauner, and the 33 1/3 volume Led Zeppelin IV (Continuum, 2005). His first and best-known book remains TechGnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information (Crown, 1998), a cult classic of visionary media studies that has been translated into five languages and recently republished by North Atlantic Press.
Strange as it may sound, the universe is aware of itself—through each and every one of us. Consciousness has been a core mystery of the human experience ever since our rise into sapience, and The Library’s virtual aisles are being filled with a variety of perspectives on this wondrous phenomenon.
Amazing site! Authors, Quotes, & More.
Sam Harris is the author of five New York Times best sellers. His books include The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, Lying, Waking Up, and Islam and the Future of Tolerance (with Maajid Nawaz). The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction. His writing and public lectures cover a wide range of topics—neuroscience, moral philosophy, religion, meditation practice, human violence, rationality—but generally focus on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live.
With a line-up of prominent and insightful guests, the hosts Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova deep-dive into a wide variety of subjects like the technological singularity, artificial intelligence, emerging technologies, future societies, psychology, the nature of reality and consciousness.
The aim of Future Thinkers is to aid in the evolution of technology, society, and consciousness and help create a more sustainable future for all of humankind.
Spirituality is not something set apart from life; rather, it is a plunge into the heart of existence. It is vitally important that our spirituality is in no way an avoidance of life, for then it only reinforces the unrealities that so many of us human beings feed upon. The spiritual life is a turning away from unreality in all of its forms, and turning towards the completeness and unity of life. Such completeness has been called by various names throughout the centuries: God, Buddha Nature, Liberation, to name just a few. But the ability to perceive absolute completeness, or God, in all things as well as in oneself, is to see and perceive the reality of life here and now.
My name is Maria Popova — a reader, a wonderer, and a lover of reality who makes sense of the world and herself through the essential inner dialogue that is the act of writing. The Marginalian (which bore the unbearable name Brain Pickings for its first 15 years) is my one-woman labor of love, exploring what it means to live a decent, inspired, substantive life of purpose and gladness. Founded in 2006 as a weekly email to seven friends, eventually brought online and now included in the Library of Congress permanent web archive, it is a record of my own becoming as a person — intellectually, creatively, spiritually, poetically — drawn from my extended marginalia on the search for meaning across literature, science, art, philosophy, and the various other tendrils of human thought and feeling. A private inquiry irradiated by the ultimate question, the great quickening of wonderment that binds us all:
What is all this?
Isha Foundation is dedicated to raising human consciousness, and fosters global harmony through individual transformation. Guided by Sadhguru, it is an essential resource for exploring the ancient science of yoga in all its depth and dimensions. The foundation offers a variety of programs that provide methods for anyone to attain physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Its offerings allow participants to deepen their experience of life, and reach their ultimate potential.
The Dalai Lamas are believed by Tibetan Buddhists to be manifestations of Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig, the Bodhisattva of Compassion and the patron saint of Tibet. Bodhisattvas are realized beings, inspired by the wish to attain complete enlightenment, who have vowed to be reborn in the world to help all living beings.

Synergetic Press is more than a publisher. Books, both print and digital, are only part of our mission to promote mindful discussion of humankind’s present and future lives.
For over 35 years, we’ve published unique and paradigm-shifting ideas in subjects such as ecology, sustainability, cultural anthropology, consciousness, and psychedelics that inspire both individual and social change.
With over 300 videos on this site now, with so many different concepts covered, it helps to have an outline of the nuts and bolts of self-actualization.
My style of personal development emphasizes: integrating hundreds of diverse perspectives, very big picture understanding, existential investigation, and pragmatism. My aim is to understand life at the deepest levels possible. If you’re looking for quick-fixes, this work isn’t for you. No meaningful self-transformation will happen impatiently.
Our Vision:
The ultimate goal of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution is the awakening of the spiritual, social, and scientific potential of humanity, in harmony with nature for the highest good of all life.
The aim of Future Thinkers is to aid in the evolution of technology, society, and consciousness and help create a more sustainable future for all of humankind.
Conscious Magazine explores how innovative ideas and creative solutions are used to create impact around the globe. It is also a movement and a community inspiring readers through powerful storytelling about what it means and what it takes to be a conversation starter.
The Conscious Media Coalition (CMC), an alliance working under the umbrella of the Global Unity Project (GUP), aims to unify positive, solution based media, raising the bar for journalistic standards within our industry and sharing a message which enriches the lives of those viewing it. CMC and GUP share the same underlying goal of rebalancing the power structure to one that serves humanity in its entirety.
Collective Evolution is a conscious media and education company dedicated to shifting collective consciousness through two key avenues:
News Media – where we use current events to talk about the human condition and the state of consciousness that creates them. We explore how we can evolve to solve the challenges we face by exploring why things unfold the way they do.
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“A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. Authoritarian institutions and marketers have always known this fact.” ― Daniel Kahneman Psychology Podcast List When you hear,...
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