Conscious Evolution Journey
What It is, Why It MattersThe conscious evolution journey is arguably the point of our existence, and on a larger scale, existence itself. The entire show, the grand play, the divine comedy is one giant exploration, a conscious evolution journey.
The modern age provides a wealth of information that wasn’t available to most of humanity throughout history. Naturally, the amount of information and insight humanity holds continues to grow. A person could easily say that this is the awakening process, a journey of conscious evolution. We are actively coming to recognize the nature of reality, of our being, and its relation to the larger context.
Consider the Big Bang theory, a unified position the size of a pea, containing nothing resembling our known universe explodes; within fractions of a second it begins to manifest the building blocks of our universe. Over a vast period, manifestation of the physical universe is attained, from a unified position to a state of incredible division.
A unified position, knowing no distinction exploding into a universe so large and full of distinction our minds can’t comprehend its magnitude; the journey from absolute unity to absolute division occurred. We know this to be true, whether our knowledge is rooted in a simulation, simply perceived as such, or actual an actual interaction with reality as it is, matters little to our experience of it, how we function within it, the course we are tasked to follow through it.
Out of the solidified and divided reality, something occurs. On our planet, bacteria begin a long journey to our present day. Bacteria to homo sapiens, a long chain of events representing a journey of conscious evolution. We can see an awakening process at play, an evolution at work. Bacteria to single-cell organisms and beyond, continually developing new technological advancements, anatomical achievements. From one technological or anatomical achievement to the next, eventually leading to the creation of a mind.
he mind, one of our planets crowning achievements, is actively held in the phase of research and development, continually refining and improving its ability. To what end is this evolutionary action geared? We can see in our historical development that self-reflexive awareness was a major achievement. The ability to hold a sense of this or that leads to the ability to recognize this and that.
This or that is a very primal biological expression used in survival and reproduction. This and that begins to exist within the conceptual, it requires the mind to be developed beyond the capacity required for this or that. This or that technically doesn’t require a mind, its function is hardwired into the most rudimentary of animate life expressions.
This and that requires a person to know of themselves in a capacity beyond the rudimentary primal knowledge of self, it is a conceptual sense of self. The mental capacity to conceptually understand the self is extended to understand those that are not self, thus this and that is possible. To exist in material form and mentally conceptualize non-material relationships or reality is an example of the awakening process, the conscious evolution journey.

Unified field explodes, creating division; division then begins to assemble itself breaking through the barriers of its limited material expression, beginning to touch unified space. The cycle is set, the motion is directed; from unified to divided to unified once again. Known to some as The Great Breath or Day and Night of Bramha.
This or that, this and that, leading to this is that. The nature of this is that, requires the mind to be technologically evolved to the point where it can pierce the barrier of duality. The mind functions within the nature of duality and it also can facilitate the experience of piercing the nature of duality.
Material matter transcended its limitations in creating a mind that could perceive and conceptualize beyond the divided state, this and that. The mind, having the ability to conceptualize using the nature of duality, evolved to the point it could transcend its limiting variables and act as a facilitator for experiencing the unified field.
The conscious evolution journey is the deep fabric truth of our existence. It is the core fundamental force driving our storyline. Everything we do is connected to this purpose. The degree to which we understand this truth is crucial to our personal development and humanity’s future.
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Paradigm Shift, What it is, Why it Matters
by Stuart DeJong | January 14, 2022 | Spiritual Awakening, Cultural Narrative | 0 Comments
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